Game Rules

Season Time

  1. The season commences with a 24-hour countdown, a ticking clock that sets hearts racing.

  2. With each additional KEY added to the pool, the season's duration extends by a mere 30 seconds, yet never exceeding the 24-hour limit.

  3. When a daring player reaches the hallowed 2048 tile, the 24-hour countdown resets, giving others a fleeting chance at glory. If no challenger reaches 2048 within 24 hours of the current victor's triumph, they shall claim 48% of the bountiful jackpot.


  • FoMoney adheres to the classic 2048 rules, with a twist – mesmerizing pictures replace mundane numbers on the tiles.

Combine identical tiles using the ←→↑↓ keys (on PC), watching them merge into one. When three identical blocks align, the rightmost pair shall unite first.


  • The game reaches its thrilling conclusion when no empty blocks remain and adjacent tiles bear different images unless the mythical [2048] tile is attained.


  • The final player to reach the elusive [2048] tile during the season shall be crowned the victor, claiming a staggering 48% of the jackpot as their reward.

  • Should no-one conquer the 2048 summit, the last daring soul to acquire a KEY shall emerge triumphant.


Sharpen your skills and familiarize yourself with the game's intricacies by trying 2048 here before diving into the exhilarating world of FoMoney.

Last updated